American Traitor: The Trial of Axis Sally 2021
American Traitor: The Trial of Axis Sally is a Hollywood movie that is based on a real event. The movie is directed by Michael Polish with the actors’ Meadow Williams, Al Pacino, Carsten Norgaard. The movie story revolves around Mildred Gillars. She is an American woman who works in a radio station. The story is during the second world war where American and German Nazi complications are in breaking news. Mildred Gillars is working with German Nazi on the radio where she helps them to propaganda. She working forcefully on the radio by the Germans. After the war, the United States govt file a case against Gillars where she is guilty of helping the enemy. So in the movie, we see the struggle of her and his lawyer to get Gillars’s respect back. Watch more free Hollywood movies on movieninja movies streaming site.